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The Changing Nature of Courtship Etiquette

A few decades have passed since I asked a girl for a date. How things have changed. We didn’t own cell phones, use dating apps, or send text messages. The height of our communication technology was a pay phone hung on the wall in the middle of the dorm hallway. We’d dial the pay phone […]


I never thought I’d research 1850s cosmetics

When I began writing historical fiction, I knew I would need to research settings, events and people related to a time period. Hair styles, clothing, furniture, and other items needed accurate description. However, I never thought I’d research women’s cosmetics. My current story drove me in this direction. I needed to understand the cosmetics available […]


Thrilled to be a Finalist in the ACFW Genesis Contest

I received notice last night that I am a finalist in the ACFW Genesis contest for unpublished writers. Last year, I finished as a semi-finalist. The winners will be announced Saturday evening at the ACFW convention in New Orleans. (I chose not to attend this year, so will not experience the excitement and anticipation of […]