The Wedding Dress, Claire’s Story Episode 3

Episode 3 of a flash fiction series. Find previous episodes at Claire’s Story – Flash Fiction Series. Claire gazed at her reflection in the full-length mirror, turning from side to side. The knee-length wedding gown rustled and swished. She touched her chest below her neck, feeling the lace of the illusion neckline, feeling the thump […]

Recommended: Manners & Customs in the Bible by Victor H. Matthews

In order to research the customs of ancient Judah for my next project, I purchased a used copy of Manners & Customs in the Bible, An Illustrated Guide to Daily Life in Bible Times by Victory H. Matthews. I found the book very helpful and recommend it. Several other books on bible customs are arranged

Recommended: Manners & Customs in the Bible by Victor H. MatthewsRead More »

Offering Meditation: Honor God During Inflation

Offering meditation using Proverbs 3:9-10 Isn’t the price of gasoline outrageous? It seems like everything is getting more expensive. Gasoline, natural gas, electricity, milk, eggs, bacon and other food. I hear new cars and used cars are through the roof. And the housing market has been crazy. I’m sure no one here loves inflation. We’d

Offering Meditation: Honor God During InflationRead More »

Recommended: Where Treasure Hides by Johnnie Alexander

My wife loves Johnnie Alexander books. She’s read most of them. Her favorite is the Where Treasure Hides published in 2013. While I read another of Johnnie’s books, she kept saying, “You should read her first one. It’s my favorite.” I recently finished it and loved it. Where Treasure Hides won the American Christian Fiction

Recommended: Where Treasure Hides by Johnnie AlexanderRead More »

Communion Meditation: Blasting Caps – 1 Corinthians 11:27-30

A blasting cap is a small explosive used to detonate larger explosives. Used properly, it clears the way for construction. Used improperly, it can injure or kill. If I handed you a blasting cap this morning, what would you do? I’m sure you would handle it with care. Communion is observed with a small amount

Communion Meditation: Blasting Caps – 1 Corinthians 11:27-30Read More »