Fascinating history of women’s property rights

I have been researching the 1850s for new stories. I wanted a character who was an unmarried woman, interested in the early women’s right movement, living in Boston and independently wealthy. In our current time period, such a character is very plausible and could gain wealth in different ways. She could inherit, of course, make […]

March newsletter to feature a story by Mary Kay Moody

I’m excited to announce my March newsletter will feature a short story by a fellow American Christian Fiction Writers member, Mary Kay Moody. Mary was a 2023 Finalist in the ACFW Genesis Contest for unpublished writers. I think you will enjoy her story “The Night Visitors.” Offering her story is part of my goal to

March newsletter to feature a story by Mary Kay MoodyRead More »

“A Tide of Change” Released – Your Feedback?

My latest flash fiction, “A Tide of Change” was released today. I’d love to hear your feedback! Please use the comment form below. The Puritans dominated my mental picture of those who colonized America. In researching the story, I discovered three waves of immigration populated the colonies. English gentry and their servants filled one wave.

“A Tide of Change” Released – Your Feedback?Read More »

ACFW Genesis Contest Semi-Finalist

Thrilled to be semi-finalist in ACFW contest

I was thrilled to be selected as one of seven semi-finalists in the American Christian Fiction Writers Genesis Contest. The contest recognizes unpublished authors in several genres. The finalists and winner will be announced in mid-August. I’ll share more details after the winner is announced. (Can’t mention the title, etc., until the contest ends.) I

Thrilled to be semi-finalist in ACFW contestRead More »