How Memorization Triggered a Memory

Memory is a funny thing. Different things trigger it, such as the smell of baking cookies, an email reminder from Facebook, or conversations with relatives after a good meal. My memory was triggered today by a spiritual exercise. Our church has encouraged us to participate in 100 Days with Jesus, a plan to read a […]

Offering Meditation: Honor God During Inflation

Offering meditation using Proverbs 3:9-10 Isn’t the price of gasoline outrageous? It seems like everything is getting more expensive. Gasoline, natural gas, electricity, milk, eggs, bacon and other food. I hear new cars and used cars are through the roof. And the housing market has been crazy. I’m sure no one here loves inflation. We’d

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Communion Meditation: Blasting Caps – 1 Corinthians 11:27-30

A blasting cap is a small explosive used to detonate larger explosives. Used properly, it clears the way for construction. Used improperly, it can injure or kill. If I handed you a blasting cap this morning, what would you do? I’m sure you would handle it with care. Communion is observed with a small amount

Communion Meditation: Blasting Caps – 1 Corinthians 11:27-30Read More »